Friday, November 2, 2007

Wikinvest - a new investing research portal.

I am always looking for good investment information and investment websites. This has lead me to the fact that I have just reviewed - Research on Merrill Lynch - from a new site that I have discovered for investment and reviews. Here is what I think.

First Wikivest appears to be very well organized and present a wealth of information for investment and research opportunities. As far as this article in general on Merrill Lynch - it seems to be very informative. First it gives a great background on the company. It follows that up with some idea about Merrill's investment strategies and revenue sources.

It not only gives that information in words but follows up with easy to understand graphs and tables. This re-enforces the information in a very meaningful way.

The article then follows up with the market and economic forces that are affecting Merrill Lynch and how that this impacts the company. All of this seems to be very indepth and more than you might find from the company in genaral.

In all I find the article very informative and find the site one that I will probably bookmark and use in the future for investment and market information.

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