Sunday, March 22, 2009

March Past time - Expensive Past time?

A great past time in America during the middle of March is the MARCH MADNESS known as the NCAA tournament. What happens during this time?

  1. Office Brackets are filled out all over America
  2. Office time and internet and email usage is eaten up by studying and filling out the bracket.
  3. Money is put up - not really that is illegal - yea right.
  4. Office workers use the internet to watch the games or keep up on real time scoring.
  5. People take off vacation or call in sick.
  6. Someone wins - many lose.
Is this good for the office or bad for the office.

Comradre is built. - interaction between people that don't interact is happening.
Water cooler talk is greater than it has been in months.

May be good for the company.

Who knows. - Wait a minute did Missouri win that game. - Shucks.

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