Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A golf umbrella for my husband

Guest post written by Carolyn Holowell

My husband is the worst ever at predicting weather. When we're both getting ready in the mornings I always look up the weather and tell him the forecast because I'm afraid that he's going to wear the wrong kind of clothes for the weather that day. He also leaves his umbrellas everywhere, so I knew that he was in the need for a new umbrella.

Except he told me that if he was going to get an umbrella one, he wanted a masculine one. When he said that I knew that he was referring to my leopard print umbrella that he's always worried about having to carry around with him. So I went online ot order him a special umbrella that would stand up to his criticisms. While I was online looking for umbrellas, I ran across a www.get.wildblue.com/ and read through it out of interest. I showed it to my husband and we decided to sign up for a new satellite internet package.

I did find this really big golf umbrella that I showed my husband online and he said that he liked it. It was basic black and I think that he liked her can carry it like a cane if he's not using it at the time.

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